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12:00 PM
to 1:00 PM
Weekly Meeting - Guest Speaker from Yuma Community FoodbankUpcoming Speakers

Yuma Rotary invites you to join us for lunch, laughter, professional networking and a dose of education!  We meet Tuesdays at the Yuma Golf and Country Club from 12:00-1:00 PM.
Tuesday's guest speaker is our very own Michelle Merkley, Chief Operating Officer for the Yuma Community Food Bank.  
Founded in 1978 by a group of dedicated volunteers, the Yuma Community Food Bank focused on the need to feed hungry children within Yuma County. Fourty-four+ years later, the Yuma Community Food Bank continues to create and enhance emergency and supplemental food programs that have an educational and nutritional component for families throughout Yuma County.  

The Yuma Community Food Bank acts as a conduit in providing food to area nonprofits such as Crossroads Mission, Catholic Community Services, Amberly's Place, Adventist and many other nonprofit agencies.

 We hope you'll join us!

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