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4:30 PM
to 4:30 PM
Walt Kammann Sausage FryRotary Events

Tis the season so come all ye faithful (and newbies too!) for a fun for all ages community event!

Yuma Rotary Club invites the community to join us for the 65th Annual Walt Kammann Sausage Fry, Friday December 1st from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Yuma Civic Center.

Enjoy our delicious Walt Kammann sausage dinner, local band, raffles and catch up with friends you haven't see in awhile!

Tickets are $15.00 and are available online at, can be purchased from your favorite Yuma Rotarian or they're available at the door too!

To-go orders will be available inside, while we make quick work of it, we know you'll see a friend you'll want to stay and chat with!

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